Listening to radio stations from the Americas

Monthly Archives: September 2012

A short email from David Settle confirmed my reception of KOWB on 1290, a not so unusual catch in Scandinavia.

A Short message via Facebook confirmed today my reception of Radio Antares on 1650 on January 31, 2009 during the LEM274 pedition.

During the last years exceptionally many stations from 
Cuba have been noted on the AM band and with good signals 
up here in Scandinavia. Due to the fact that especially 
R Rebelde has many transmitters on the same frequency 
(such as 1180, 1550 and 1620) it is impossible to say 
from which of the transmitters the received signals are
originating. Despite the fact that, e.g. WRTH and many 
other lists list R Rebelde with both transmitter sites, 
and powers of transmission, one should be careful not
to log R Rebelde coming from a certain QTH if several 
Rebelde transmitters occupy the same frequency, which 
is the case in this post.
However, Radio Rebelde is well aware of their foreign 
listeners and they also mostly reply to listener reports. 
So also in my case:

"Querido amigo, nos place contarlo entre nuestros oyentes.  
Adjunto le enviamos la tarjeta QSL de confirmación de la 
sintonía de nuestra emisora Radio Rebelde.
Un abrazo Osana Osoria, Editora"

Muchas gracias Osana!

Ryan Johnston kindly confirmed my report after returning from his vacation: That certainly sounds like you heard our station .We’ve heard from several DX-ers from Finland and Norway that have listened to us over the past few years. Thanks for checking in, and best of luck in your future listening!”. My question: no hearings of WCAP in Sweden? WCAP Lowell, MA was also heard on 980 last October in Lemmenjoki.

Feliz 25 Aniversario. Con motivo de las bodas de plata de Radio Naylamp enviamos nuestras felicitaciones para el dr. Juan José Grández Vargas, gerente general de la emisora.

(Courtesy Henrik Klemetz)

The peruvian station Radio Naylamp is celebrating it’s 25th Anniversary later this year! The station was pretty frequently heard in Scandinavia during the 90’s on a variety of odd frequencies (see HK’s comments below) during good openings towards Peru. R Naylamp  is transmitting from Lambayeque in the Lambayeque region in nortwestern Peru. The region is bordered by the Piura Region on the north, the Cajamarca Region on the southeast, the La Libertad Region on the south and the Pacific Ocean on the west. The name Lambayeque is a Spanish derivation of the god Yampellec, said to have been worshipped by the first Lambayeque king, Naylamp.


Says Henrik Klemetz: “Dr. Juan José Grández Vargas, an obstetrician, is the general manager of this friendly station which will be celebrating its 25th anniversary on November 7, 2012.  See Naylamp (pronounced as “nailán” in Spanish) is a mythological figure, thought to have founded the kingdom of Sicán in the 9th C.  He disembarked on the shores of what is now the Peruvian department of Lambayeque. There are many representations of Naylamp and his totora raft (which inspired the Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl to undertake his voyages on the Pacific), one of which can be seen on the splendid station pennant.

Radio Naylamp is no longer active on SW, but has been logged on many different frequencies in the 1990’s as shown at (with an audio clip at  and  also at
During the 1990’s the station was heard on 4299v between March 93 and April 94, then on 4549 from November 94 to May 95 .  From June 95 to April 96 Radio Naylamp was on 4154v. From July 96 and until March 97 the frequency was 5342v, followed by 5728v (in August 97) and 4398 (in February 99).
Thanks HK for these comments.
Personally I have four different QSLs from R Naylamp, all written and signed by the stations very listener friendly GM JJ Grández Vargas, who always submitted long and detailed dream QSL-letters. My first encounter with R Naylamp was in August 1991 when I lived in Santa Barbara, California. The station was heard almost every “day” during early night hours in California (local sunset in Perú). The reception in Southern California, with a 60 m longwire was good, peaking just around the Lambayeque local sunset which usually accounted reasonable signals for an hour or less.
Below I have included an mp3 audio comprising a minor “personal part” of a live transmission over R Naylamp in August 1991. The original magnetic tape (more than 45 minutes) I received from Juan José  in 1991.

Radio Visión, Chiclayo can be heard every now and then on 4790v in the 60 m.b. One of the last peruvian stations left on shortwaves that used to host hundreds of them some 20 years ago! Times changes indeed.

An email was received today from Iglesia Pentecostal La Cosecha confirming my report from April 2012.

This Old stuff post is intended to wake up some memories of the past, when LA-DX on shortwaves comprised the gold mine for listeners.

In late May 1990 very good conditions towards especially Bolivia in the 90, 60 and 49 meter bands shortwave was observed here in Finland. An andinian station was unexpectedly heard on 4981.5v kHz, between Ecos del Torbes, Venezuela on 4980 and R Brasil Central, Brasil on 4985 kHz with rather good signal strength. I got the ID “Radiodifusoras Minería” on May 19, 1990 but, according to WRTH 1990 this station, officially listed on 4985, should have been inactive at that time. The first logging of this station in Finland was done one day earlier, on May 18, 1990 by Ilkka Suni (IS).

In order to confirm the logging, I called Henrik Klemetz (HK) in Umeå, Sweden and discussed the matter and I also sent him a recording of the logging. This was the first connection to HK since I started DXing in 1963 and since then we have, should I say, been in very close contact digging into the mysteries of Latin American DXing. Henrik has been instrumental in solving a huge number of so called unidentified loggings, not only for me, but for very many DXers all around the world due to his excellent knowledge of Latin American radio, his deep knowledge in  the Spanish language and being a DX-listener himself.

On May 24, 1990 HK called up Radiodifusoras Mineria in Oruro, Bolivia and had a chat with Sr. Wilfredo Navarro in the middle of a transmission so HK’s phone call was aired all over the Altiplanos. Please listen to the conversation on the below audio mp3:

Radio Difusoras Mineria_HK_24.5.1991

Resulting from HK’s call was a very nice QSL-letter from Dr. José Carlos G´mez Espinoza, Gerente y Director General de Radiodifusoras Mineria who also included a very nice pennant and other materials of this re-activated “new” bolivian.

NOTE from Henrik Klemetz: Radio Minería has been off the air for several years, both on SW and MW, says Angel Oquendo, who is from Oruro. Wilfredo Navarro Amurrio passed away in June 2001.

Radio El Valle was heard in Lemmenjoki in February 2010 on 640. The first station from Argentina I have heard on 640.

The frequency does not hold too many stations from South America. However, in Scandinavia we have over the years caught at least RCN Santa Marta, Colombia; R Ciudadena, Quito, Ecuador; Morena AM, Guayaquil, Ecuador; Actualidad 640 (former Ondas Portenas) Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela.In addition the brazilians R Globo, Natal, RN and R. Bandeirantes, Porto Alegre, RS. The last mentioned the dominant during cx towards La Plata and Puerto La Cruz the dominant during cx towards Orinoco. In addition Guadaloupe and R Progreso, Cuba are commonly heard here.

Radio El Valle’s Socio-Gerente Jorge Cozzi answered the email below and included a couple of very nice photos.


“Estimado amigo Jan-Erik,

Nos enorgullece mucho que nos haya podido escuchar desde  tan lejos por aire. Sabemos que la onda de AM trabaja por rebote y a veces se dan las condiciones para que viaje muy lejos.
Le confirmamos que los datos de escucha son correctos, por lo tanto sirva esta carta como tarjeta “QSL”.
Nos interesaría saber si también nos ha podido escuchar en otra ocasión.
Nuestra emisora tiene un equipo transmisor transistorizado de 10 Kw marca ADEMA de fabricación argentina. Anteriormente teníamos un equipo Harris, también de 10 Kw, pero nos era muy costoso el mantenimiento ya que era a válvulas.
El 19 del mes que viene (Octubre) cumplimos 49 años y estamos emplazados en el centro geográfico del Alto Valle del Río Negro y Neuquén, en la Patagonia. Nuestra cobertura primaria oscila entre 400 y 500 Km a la redonda.
Para mayor información de nuestra emisora puede visitar nuestra página web .
Si habla español, quizá podamos hacerle alguna entrevista de su profesión o hobby “el diexismo (DX)”. Si esta de acuerdo, lo podemos coordinar para hacerla por Skype.
Lo saludamos muy atentamente
Jorge Cozzi

This is the last story about pennants from Latin American radio stations from my collection. Hope you have enjoyed it although the quality of the pictures could have been more professional. Nostalgia after all – as Ole Forr so kindly commented.

The stations presented below are; R Oriental 770; R Carve 850; R Paysandú 1240; R Maldonado 1560; R San Carlos 1510; R Charitas 6110; R Chaco Boreal 1330; R Concepción 1380v; R Arequipa 5948; R Huancayo 1470; R Quillabamba 5025; R Tacna 9404; R Frequencia Lider 4418; R Frontera 4760; Ecos del Torbes 4980;


Some pennants from some stations in Ecuador; Canal Manabita 4815; Emisoras Gran Colombia 4920; HCJB; Escuelas Radiofónicas Populares 3985; La Voz de Ingapirca 1560; Sistem de Emisoras Atalaya 4790; R Zaracay 3395; R Baha’i 4950; La Voz del Napo 3280; R El Rocio 1370.